Notifications have been received from various local governments to adjust the social contribution and housing fund caps, effective July 1, 2024.

Shanghai City

Social Contribution Salary Cap Housing Fund Salary Cap
July 2023 ~ Jun 2024 36,549.00 36,549.00
July 2024 onwards 36,921.00 36,921.00

The Specific Details

Statutory Contributions Cap (Employer)
Pension Medical Unemployment Child Birth Work Injury Housing Fund Sub-Total
July 2023 – June 2024 5,847.84 3,289.42 182.75          – 93.57 2,558.00 11,971.58
July 2024 onwards 5,907.36 3,322.90  184.61          –  94.52  2,584.00 12,093.39

Beijing City

Social Contribution Salary Cap Housing Fund Salary Cap
July 2023 ~ Jun 2024 33,891.00 33,891.00
July 2024 onwards 35,283.00 35,283.00

The Specific Details

Statutory Contributions Cap (Employer)
Pension Medical Unemployment Child Birth Work Injury Housing Fund Sub-Total
July 2023 – June 2024 5,422.56 3,321.32 169.46          – 135.56 4,067.00 13,115.90
July 2024 onwards 5,645.28 3,457.73  176.42          –  141.13  4,234.00 13,654.56

Other cities will adjust the social contribution and housing fund caps accordingly around the end of this month or next month. Please check back on the webpage from time to time to see the latest updates.


Beijing 2024 housing fund adjustment notice :

Beijing 2024 social conribution adjustment notice:

Shanghai 2024 housing fund adjustment notice :

Shanghai 2024 social conribution adjustment notice:

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